OK, I’m begging you. We have only today, Friday, January 27th, to convince the Democrats to filibuster Judge Alito. And, if any one ever needed filibustering, it’s this racist, sexist, Tory. He WILL overturn Roe v. Wade.
Luckily, someone else has made it very easy. Blogger Thersites gives you the names, phone numbers, etc. to call. Just go here. Don’t limit yourself to only calling your own Senators. Call the ones Thersites lists and tell them that if they can’t stand up for women, you won’t be donating any more time or money to the DNC or the DLC and that you’ll be telling the DNC and DLC which Senators are to blame.
I honestly believe that today is the very last possible chance we may have to save Roe v. Wade. And I don’t care if a filibuster results in the Republicans using the “nuclear option.” If we can never use the filibuster out of fear of the “nuclear option,” we’ve already lost it anyway. As I said above, if Alito isn’t worth being filibustered, no one is.
If my grandchild has to live in a post-Roe world, I at least want to be able to say that I tried, right up to the last minute, to hold the line. What are you doing during your lunch hour today that’s more important?
The Rude Pundint has a great list of reasons why the Democrats should filibuster Alito, as Prior Aelred reminded me. They include:
Then here's a brief list of reasons to filibuster Alito that have nothing to do with Savage Sammy:
- Because President Bush authorizes spying on Americans without a warrant.
- Because President Bush authorized torture by Americans and through renditioning.
- Because President Bush detains people without charge for an indefinite period.
- Because President Bush ignores whatever laws he wants, even if he signs them.
- Because President Bush lied about Iraq to get us into the war.
- Because the Army is stretched "to the breaking point."
- Because the reconstruction of Iraq is being fucked up, too.
- Because President Bush refuses to acknowledge what it's gonna take to help the people of the Gulf Coast.
- Because Ford is getting rid of 30,000 employees.
- Because Karl Rove still has a job.
- Because President Bush and the Republicans fail to fully fund the bullshit "No Child Left Behind" program.
- Because President Bush denies the existence of global warming.
- Because the Medicare prescription drug program is a clusterfuck that will end up in people dying because of its existence.
- Because President Bush denies any connection to Jack Abramoff.
- Because President Bush refuses to speak before any audience that doesn't adore him.
- Because Dick Cheney exists.
- Because Osama Bin Laden is either living free or died free.
- Because Donald Rumsfeld still has a job.
- Because the White House has stymied every investigation into its fuck-ups.
- Because President Bush calls spying "terrorist surveillance" and pollution "Clean Skies" and money to churches "Faith-Based Initiatives."
- Because Richard Scaife doesn't need another tax cut.
- Because there has to be a line in the sand, somewhere; otherwise, it's just one long desert until who-knows-when.
See, the thing about a filibuster is it says to the White House, the Republicans, the nation, that Democrats have some say left in the processes of government. The nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito, and the abandonment of Harriet Miers, were pure manna to the right wing base. At some point, Democrats have to give something to their base, something to keep the faithful from throwing up their hands in disgust, from shaking their heads and mumbling, "What pussies, what godforsaken pussies." And if not this, then what?
Rude Pundit is right. So please call.
Lines will be busy. Keep calling back. Really, I'm begging you.
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