Monday, January 23, 2006

Religious Vigil Against Torture

Don't know this group, but this was forwarded to me on a DC Pagan listserv that I belong to. It sounds like a good idea.


Tuesday, January 31st
(The night of the President's State of the Union Address)

5:00 6:30 P.M.
Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Streets --
across the street from the Vice President's House
(The Naval Observatory)

Sponsored by: River Road Unitarian Church Social Justice Council

This will be our third vigil at the Vice President's house against torture, and we hope we can double the number of people who attend. Please invite members of your religious community as well as friends and family. On December 21 and December 28 we had 50-60 people at the vigil, and the effect was significant. We would like to see 100 people come out for the night of the President's State of the Union Address.

As religious people, we feel it is critical that we speak out against this country's torture policy and practices. We need to let our government, our country, and the world know, that we oppose torture, whoever commits it & that the torture policy of this administration does not reflect the values of the American people. Vice President Cheney is the apparent leading voice with respect to torture in this administration, and we think it is appropriate to hold our vigil outside his home at the Naval Observatory.

We will be demonstrating quietly and peacefully with candles, flashlights, and signs on the sidewalk across from the Vice President's House. If you come by Metro, you will need to exit at Dupont Circle and transfer to an N2, N4 or N6 bus going up Massachusetts Avenue. Plenty of parking is available in the neighborhood, but we will also car pool from RRUC.

As before, when you arrive, please take your place next to the last person in line, on the sidewalk, facing the Vice President's House. We will create a line down Massachusetts Avenue as long as the number of people we have joining us.

This is a vigil, and we ask that there be no shouting or chanting. However, signs are important, and they need to be large in order for the drivers going by to see them.

For further information, please contact Linda Gustitus at 202-363-3928 or

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    A friend of mine has been doing this for awhile. I think it would be good to join them.
