Monday, February 13, 2006

A Little Protestant Work Ethic, Please?

You know, I've spent more of my life than I care to admit at work. When a client of mine is in trouble, I figure it's my job to do everything I possibly can to help. I've slept at the office in order to be sure to be there the next day in spite of snow in order to file a pleading. I've worked all the way through the night and into the next day in order to make sure I'd read every case that needed to be read. The joke in my office on Friday is that it's only two more work days until Monday.

So, as res ipsa noted over at Eschaton, I find it incredibly puzzling that Bush and, now, more to the point, Cheney take so much time off to go hunting and fishing and shit. Last week, Heckovajob Brownie told us that he tried to tell Bush that Hurricane Katrina was going to be a nightmare, but Bush was off fishing when Brownie called and never got back to him. Course, the VP was on vacation AT THE SAME TIME. That's weird, because I always coordinate vacations with the people who work for me so that we're not all gone at the same time. And, in case you've forgotten, which, under the circumstances would be pretty understandable, Cheney is in charge of rebuilding New Orleans. Last I heard, New Orleans is still pretty fucked up.

So why did Cheney take this weekend to fly half-way across the country to, no, not New Orleans, but to some rich bitch's "ranch" in Texas to shoot at birds who were raised and uncaged for that specific purpose?

America is in trouble, yo! There are sick troops at Walter Reed who could stand to have the VP's big black SUV pull up and take them out for dinner at the Palm. There are homeless people who won't be able to move back to New Orleans for months. We've got a budget deficit that my great grandchildren will be cursing us for and, in case Cheney hasn't noticed, he and Bush are not real popular at the moment.

Look, clearly Cheney was drunk and his SS protected him from the local law guys -- let's all say Cheneyquiddick and chuckle. And Cheney has a spokesperson who should have talked to the press rather than leaving the rich bitch to do it. And, yeah, apparently Cheney's now officially too old and feeble to be out "hunting" even caged birds.

But I want to know why the hell these guys are always fiddling while Rome burns? You're only the Vice President of the United States of America for, at most, eight years. Maybe you could try working once in a while?


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hecate --

    The folks currently in charge of this country don't believe in work -- work is for the servants -- the folks in charge are decision makers -- as Little Boots said, they need to rest up to be clear headed so they can make good decisions (like going fishing when you hear the levee breaks or spinning 180 degrees before puling the trigger) -- but they truly believe that once you are successful, you don't work!

  2. Anonymous2:28 AM

    But I want to know why the hell these guys are always fiddling while Rome burns?

    Because the "Romans" won't stop them. Too busy rummaging through the discount DVD bins at Wal-Mart, while the rest of us have bought the notion that posting on the Internet means more than putting bodies on the line. I think email and blogging have killed mass civil disobedience as a tool for social change. We rant in comments sections and think we've done our duty.
