Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm Afraid Some of Them Can't Be Rehabilitated

Really, these fundies are so whacked that it's difficult to imagine how they could ever be rehabilitated to live in normal society. Via Witchvox, Southern Voice reports that:

"Addressing the "down-low," a term that describes married black men having sex with other men in secret, Pleasant told hundreds of worshipers March 25 that God intended man and woman to procreate.

"The marital duty is not being fulfilled," Pleasant said. "Why are we with you women? Just think about it…we have a strong sex drive. You need to do your part and keep the marriage bed pure. Whenever your husband wants sex it is your duty to say yes.""

Further, "In January, Sheldon, who is white, and 70 black pastors who supported President George W. Bush met in Los Angeles. The summit yielded the "Black Contract with America on Moral Values," the Los Angeles Times reported.

In exchange for black churches focusing on defeating marriage for same-sex couples, the churches will receive money through the government’s faith-based initiative programs, the paper reported."

If it's true that they're getting government dollars to work on political issues such as gay marriage, I swear I'm going to start taking hostages.


  1. Heck, they're getting governmnet money to PROSELYTIZE - you know they are. Separation of church and state no longer exists. (Unbelievably depressing)

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I weep.

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "Whenever your husband wants sex it is your duty to say yes."

    Um - HOW long did it take us to get marital rape recognized as a crime, and now this bozo wants to roll back the clock on THAT too?

  4. Wait... is he suggesting that black men are cheating on their wives with other men because they're not getting enough at home?

    I, um, really don't think that's what's going on there...
