Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Pat Robertson Calls Muslims Satanic

Good grief. Now, I'm sure in a day or so, he'll say he was quoted out of context or something, but that's just the salve for the mainstream. His rabid base knows that he means every word. Explain to me why a hate-filled lunatic like this, who says things that no one in polite company should countenance, is allowed to influence our national policies? Explain to me why it's ok for him to say that Muslims are satanic, but if anyone suggests that evangelical xians need to reign it in a bit, they're persecuting xians and violating their First Amendment rights? Bush cozies up to this madman every chance he gets and the Democrats are such yellow-bellied pussies that they won't hang this bell around the cat's neck.

I'll take that retirement condo in Bedlam, now, Mr. Jeffers.


  1. How is your birthday going?

    I wish that photo was of Robertson actually getting hit by lightning.
