Sunday, April 30, 2006

Beltane and Walpurgisnight!

Scant posting over the next few days. Monday is Beltane -- for me, the highest of high holy days! We celebrate new life, Spring, sex, growth, flowering, potential, fecundity, and -- frankly -- fucking. I love me some Beltane. And, at my age, I take me some time to recover. Also, huge conference that I've organized happening on Tuesday which, by my calculations, takes place precisely one day after Beltane, so I likely won't sleep for about 48 hours.

It's ok. It's worth it. I love to dance and, on Beltane, WE DANCE!

Here's hoping that Spring in all its forms is good to you. that what you've been wanting to see manifest becomes manifest, that all the seeds you've planted, in every area, germinate, and that, to quote the country song, when you get the chance, you dance.


  1. Blessings on Beltane, dance till you drop, and may the fae light your way!

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Bona Kalenda Maia, Hecate! May your Beltane celebration refresh your spirit.


  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    A most joyous and blessed Beltane to you and your circle, Hecate.

  4. Thank you for reminding us of the beauty of Beltane that exists in this springtime. Enjoy and refresh.

  5. I'm a little late stopping by , but I wanted to say that I hope you had a great Beltane.
