Saturday, April 22, 2006

Beltane, Beltane, Beltane!

The BBC has a nice, albeit kind of dry, article on Beltane that stresses the fire-festival aspect of my favorite holiday.


  1. I'm planning on giving potted flowers to my administrative assistant and my neighbors for May Day. And I'll probablly light a candle on my own as an observance the night before - maybe take it outside to serve as a small fire.

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention this: When I was a child in elementary school, we had a yearly May Day festival. We all learned to dance around the May Pole and each class had different costumes and a May Pole was set up for each grade or class (can't remember exactly.) I don't suppose that would be allowed today; the fundies would denounce it.

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    As a child in Ireland, We would elect a May Queen, and we would all dress up, find some kind of carriage (trailer, home made of course) and parade our May Queen round the district singing all the way. Adults would give us a few pennies for our trouble. Happy Days.
