Wednesday, April 26, 2006

OMFG, You Should Totally Go Celebrate Beltane At Four Quarters


Four Quarters is incorporated as a Not-for-Profit Church, Monastery and Church Camp celebrating
Earth Religion in the State of Pennsylvania. FED EIN 25-1853964, PA EXMP 75-467-104 © 1995-2006 Four Quarters, The Church of Four Quarters and Four Quarters Farm.

Beltaine 2006
Fri April 28th - Sun April 30th, 2006

Real People, Real Traditions, Real Community.
It's about Spring, it's about Family.
It's for Babies and Children, Maids and Gallants.
Our Aunts, Uncles, Mothers and Fathers, Elders and Ancestors.

Our joyous journey through the Wheel of the Year and the Web of Life.

Children under 16 are Loved, Cherished and Free!
Saturday Evening Feast is free to all attending.

Friday Arrival - $65
Saturday Arrival - $55

Meal Plans
3 Meals and Feast; Fri Dinner - Sunday Brunch
$30.50 PreReg Only

Supper with the Starvin' Artist
7:00 PM - Community Setup of Drum Circle where "we the tribe" come together to clean and prepare the space for ceremony; rake the sand, set the candles, bring small offerings for the Drum Altar or the Ancestor Chair, and help decorate! 8:00 PM - First Fire Ceremony in the Drum Circle - Join us in lighting the first fire of the year. Carry a charged ember from this Fire back to your own campsite to share the community's blessings for the season.

9-10:30 Brunch with the Starvin' Artist
10:30 Kids meet at Fox Altar to begin Ceremonial Procession through camp 11-12:30 Seeding the Stones Ceremony led by Holly Florczyk; Orren Whiddon will aid the Kids' Tribe in Raising a Seed Stone in the Stone Circle. Spiral Scouts in Uniform, please. 12:30-2 Wreathmaking for the Maypole, Main Stage with Echaria; bedecking the symbols of Beltaine for Raising the Maypole 12:30-2 Making Fairy Houses, Day Stage with Coriander Woodruff; crafting small dwellings for the Little Folk. For all ages.

Also beginning around 12:30 in the Stone Circle, Handfasting of Chris Trembly (who is currently serving in Iraq) and her fiancee Ardith Micheaux.

2-4pm Raising and Dancing the Maypole in the Merchants' Green; Learn the steps and follow the dance! Led by Dan Velleman.

4:00 The Handfasting of the Lord and Lady of Spring Eric Young and Kari Thorssen. Stand with us and witness the wedding of Eric and Kari as they step forward into their life together.

5-7 Feast/Reception by the Starvin' Artist
6:30-9 Members Meeting in the Stone Circle; Questions, comments, and dessert!! 9pm Childrens' Story Time at Bardic Circle 9pm Drum Circle to the Stars!

10-11:30 Brunch with the Starvin' Artist
11-1:00 Spiral Scouts Business Meeting on the Main Stage. New/interested families are welcome to attend to gather paperwork and information, or to drop off applications and fees. Registered Scouts should wear uniforms! 1:00 Closing Ceremony in the Stone Circle

More about Beltaine at Four Quarters -

1 comment:


    Have you ever been to Four Quarters? Its mailing address is: Artemas, PA 17211.

    Okay, that's like where my ancestors settled in 1706 and I still own a family farm with that zip.

    If you go, and you don't stop at Snyder's Road Kill Cafe, you will miss the best pie in the world.
