Saturday, April 15, 2006

Where Are The April Showers That Will Bring May Flowers?

Somehow, in Spring, I never manage to get everything done, even though I work all day. Today I mowed the front yard with my new electric mower -- well I mowed part of the front yard. Apparently you have to charge this mower all the way up and then run it all the way down a few times before it gets "fully" charged and can actually mow the 1/3 acre advertised. The good news is that the lawn looks nice, much neater than when I use my rotary mower. The bad news is that this mower is a LOT heavier than my little tin rotary mower. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can get the rest of the yard mowed.

I planted French Tarragon and Pineapple Sage and I watered the herb bed, which meant digging the hose out of the shed and hooking it up. That led to a partial clean-up inside the shed, but there's more to do. I picked up lots of sticks in the back yard and watered the woodland garden, the azaleas, the roses, and the lilacs. Used the watering can to water the foxglove and hollyhock in the front bed. Goddess, I wish we'd get some rain.

But I've still got aramasias and mint seedlings and black violet seedlings to plant and mulching to do.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew some way to give you some of ours.
    There was a front page article in the Kronk today about the inevitability of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta levees failing this year.

    Sound familiar?
