Friday, May 12, 2006


Bush slips below twenty-nine percent in polls.


  1. Nice porno ponies, Hecate.

    I just wanted to say thanks again for your kindness. And let you know that I am now addicted to Lunaea's one-card tarot oracle. I've been there 3 times, and this morning's card was "Meeting the Ancestor, 2 of fire." Big changes, big choices.

  2. Ina,

    I adore her tarot. Change can be a good thinf.

  3. hi hecate! haven't been on eschaton much because i'm working nights these days, but i have been meaning to get in touch with you because i have seen a couple of things that i thought you might be interested in. first, you mentioned that you have a motorcycle mama friend in one of your posts.i heard of a book on a moto guzzi board called "the perfect vehicle". it's by some gal who rides around all over on a motorcycle and writes about it. it came up in the conversation there because she happens to have impeccable taste in motorcycles and rides a moto guzzi like myself. comes highly recommended. haven't read it myself, but i intend to. if you ever need a gift for her, maybe it would be good. can't remember the author's name, but you could google it or look on amazon, i guess. the other is from a book i did read. it's a place called polyface farms. supposed to have the best eggs in the world, and chicken. not even organic. way beyond that. extremely earth friendly. the only "drawback" is that you have to go to the shenendoah valley to get the stuff (i know. it's hard work!). i don't have the address or anything, but they have a website. just google polyface farms and you will find it. i think it's near monticello. it's nice there this time of year.

    sorry for the long post. probably should have just e mailed you.
