Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Now, They're Worried About Separation of Powers!

So, first, as you may have noted from the post below, Bush actually says something that I agree with. Then, as I'm driving home from work, I hear on NPR that Darryl Issa (R, CA) says something that I agree with: that Congress should impeach Attorney General Gonzales. And, it got me to thinking, there are quite a few schmucks that a Democratic Congress could impeach short of Bush. Hmmmm. Sometimes, you can destroy a bush as effectively by cutting off all its branches as you can by uprooting it.

Chris Van Hollen (D, MD) apparently managed to remind Congress that Bush has been trampling all over Congress for some time with torture, illegal detainees, signing statements, spying on Americans w/o warrants, data mining, etc., etc., etc.

It's a coup, boys. Call it what it is.


  1. I am all for impeaching Gonzales and I wouldn't think it was a bad idea to get Alito, Fried, and the rest of the unitary executive crowd on sedition charges. If we defeat Bush maybe the next president could use his "commander" and "emergency" powers to give them military tribunals and line them against a wall. Heck, he should take the first minor spending bill and attach a signing statment saying that it allows him to render summary judgement against memebers of the Federalist Society and he could flush out the entire nest of them.

    But it could just be the benadryl talking again.

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