Sunday, June 04, 2006

American Exceptionalism

"It's disturbing to see how neatly nationalism dovetails into fascism. While we must not allow the fascists to define what the nation is, or who it belongs to, it's worth keeping in mind that nationalism, in all its many avatars—socialist, capitalist and fascist—has been at the root of almost all the genocides of the twentieth century. On the issue of nationalism, it's wise to proceed with caution."

Arundhati Roy, April 2002


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Well it's just proof that with better packaging,social distractions,and food/belly interactions any political force can get the people to agree to their idea of nation and its costs. Sports,Drugs,Celebritydom, Pornography can't beat it USA style.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM is the defender of American Exceptionalism.

    Purge Congress is non-partisan. It is loyal to the Red, White and Blue.

    Purge Congress is onto Congress.

    Are you onto Congress? If not, what can you expect except self-serving political activities, direction and ideologies that thrive in the halls of Congress that are a threat to American Exceptionalism and ultimately America.

    Purge Congress seeks to cleanse, cleanup and purify Congress.

    Purge Congress seeks a chairperson for each state, a county coordinator for each county, local chapters, and more. Said more includes millions of members. If interested please advise.

    Our website is under professional development and should be launched during early / mid July.

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
