Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Come The Fuck On, People. This Has Got To Stop. Takes A Generation My Ass

From today's EEI newsletter:
"Environmental Report Cites GHG Emissions From U.S. Autos

A report to be released today by the group Environmental Defense cites vehicles driven in the U.S. and the driving habits of Americans as a big factor in the country’s high contribution to GHG emissions, the Washington Post reported today. Wrote the newspaper: "Vehicles made by GM, the No. 1 U.S. automaker, produced as much carbon dioxide in 2004 as American Electric Power Co., the nation's largest operator of coal-fired power plants, the report says." Americans drive 29 percent more miles than the global average, consume more fuel, and drive vehicles that emit, on average, 15 percent higher CO2 levels than cars elsewhere. The study’s lead author, John DeCicco, was quoted by the Los Angeles Times as saying: 'As Americans we're going to be living down the SUV boom for a long time,' he said. 'The implication is that we can't turn the emissions problem on a dime. It takes a generation.'
Washington Post ; Los Angeles Times , June 28."

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