Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Miss Thing, Happy Birthday to You. You Look Like a Great Grey Cat. And You Act Like One, Too.

Today is the birthday of my sweet grey cat, Miss Thing.

She completely rules my little brick cottage.

She eats only Fancy Feast, and that only if it's flaked or in gravy. No nasty aspic for Miss Thing.

When my ankle was broken, she would come sit on the cast and purr.

When I am disconsolate, she comes and sits on my lap.

She has even deigned to accept my grandson into her life, assuming that he undersands lese majeste.

Here are the words she knows: Canned Cat Food, Treats, It's OK (just before I sneeze). Snuggle. Nose scratch.

When I go sit on the screen porch in the morning to eat breakfast, she come out with me and observes the birds and the squirrels without running and hiding. I daresay that few of you have been loved like this.

When I sit zazen in my ritual room, Miss Thing comes and sits with me. See above re: having been loved like this.

Miss Thing, it was a lucky day for me that you came to live with me.


  1. Awwwww!

    So, Miss Thing likes the face-petting, too? Curly lives for eyes/nose petting.

  2. Aw, what a sweetie. So *that's* Miss Thing!

    Happy Birthday, Miss T!

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM


    Miss Thing looks just like Mo, the kitty of my teenage years who came from the stables where I boarded my horse. In 1974. I named her after Mo Dean, who was all over the teevee that year, remember? She also ruled, with an iron paw. Happy Birthday, Beautiful! :)


  4. Miss Thing is da BOMB!

  5. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Miss Thing is a very adorable and obviously loved Kitty. It is wonderful to have such a traveler with you on the road of life. Happy Birthday Miss Thing. Lavendermoon

  6. What a beautiful girl. She has eyes that seem to show great wisdom. Love her gorgeous coat.

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Good Lord!
    I thought I'd seen 'er 'afor!!!
    Look up 'REGAL' an' thar's 'er picture!

  8. Miss Thing informs me that your contract has been renewed for another year, with performance bonuses and a positive performance review. She had the information about your sensitivity to her food issues placed on your permanent record.

    In a special memo to me, she said she will tolerate the grandson even in his toddler years because good help is hard to find and she can't imagine replacing you.

  9. What a gorgeous blue guuurrl!!!

    is she a bit on the generous side? it's my experience they go to portly occasionally...had a big, blue fixed male during the last marriage named Spodie who got up to about 18 lbs....

    i'm a sucker for grey and blue roan hossflesh too...

  10. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Many happy returns to Miss Thing, she's lovely. Our Miss Caffeine lives on the West Coast, probably a good thing - each has their domain, yes?

  11. What a wonderful tribute to a clearly wonderful kitty. I enjoyed reading it so much!
