Sunday, June 25, 2006

When Wiccans Fight and Die for America, They Should Be Able to Have Their Religious Symbol Engraved on Their Gravestone

Just received this e-mail from a local Pagan ListServ:

Wiccan Soldier's Widow to Speak
About VA Approval of Religious Symbols

June 23, 2006, Silver Spring, Maryland--An Interfaith Religious Rights Rally
will be held at Farragut Square Park between Noon and 4 PM on America's
birthday, the Fourth of July. The rally is in support of universal religious
tolerance and free exercise for all religions, as guaranteed in the First Amendment
of the Bill of Rights.

Speakers include:
o Rev. Barry Lynn, spokesperson of Americans United for Separation of
Church and State
o Jared Leland, Esq., spokesperson for The Becket Fund for Religious
o Phyllis Curott, Esq., author and priestess
o Rev. Selena Fox, senior minister of Circle Sanctuary
o Caroline Casey, radio host and author
o H. Byron Ballard, United Religions Initiative
o Diotima Mantineia, editor, The Witches' Voice
o Roberta Stewart, widow of Sgt. Patrick Stewart

Our most special guest is Roberta Stewart, widow of Sgt. Patrick Stewart, who
was shot down in Afghanistan in 2005. Sgt. Stewart was Wiccan. Currently,
the Veterans Administration has approved 38 symbols of faith that may appear
on veterans' memorial plaques, but the Wiccan pentacle is not among them.
Roberta Stewart is coming to Washington for the first time to speak out about
this violation of her husband's Constitutional rights.

For more information, call Caroline Kenner at 301-412-1760, email or call Angie Buchanan at 847-456-4833, email
. Thank you!

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