Saturday, July 29, 2006

Do Your Kids Drink Milk? Would You Like For Their Bones To Be 15% To 20% Less Strong?

WaPo notes that:

The heat wave has threatened California's multibillion-dollar agriculture industry. Rendering facilities for livestock carcasses were so overloaded that regulators eased environmental regulations to allow livestock and dairy farmers to bury dead animals on their own land or in landfills, said Jay Van Rein, a spokesman for the state Department of Food and Agriculture. Van Rein said in some areas livestock farmers were reporting mortality rates twice as high as normal.

California is the nation's leading milk producer, and state Farm Bureau Federation spokeswoman Ann Schmidt-Fogarty said production had fallen by 15 to 20 percent. She said that the peach crop would be the worst in 20 years and that cotton, pistachios, walnuts, avocados, plums and nectarines would also be affected.

The nation's leading milk producer has seen a drop of 15% to 20% in production.

You ready to pay 15% to 20% more for the milk that your kids drink?

Cotton, pistqachios, walnuts, avacados, plums, and necatrines -- aka nuts and fruit -- also affected.

Do we have a president? Do we have a Congress? Do we have Departments of Energy and Agriculture? Anybody think now might be a good time to do something about this???????


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Like what?!?!

    Demand a program to make it rain?

    Why do progs. always think the govt. is supposed to do something?

  2. Progressives expect the government to do something because it's the government's job to take care of people. I wonder about you if you can't see that or don't believe it.

    While the government can't make it rain, they can provide help for lower-income people to supplement their and their children's diets, they can help find ways of dealing with the rendering bottleneck, and they can do public education to help people find healthy and nutritious alternatives to dairy products (such as soy products, dark green vegetables, nuts, sesame seeds, and blackstrap molasses). Likely they won't do that latter, because the dairy industry has a huge lobby, but a casein-allergic, lactose-intolerant girl can dream...

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Do not worry to much about the Earth as long as we have or lakes,
    rivers ans oceans. Read 'The Primeval tide of toxins'in the current L.A.Times ans weep.
