Jamison Foser regularly writes clear, insightful media analysis. Atrios usually blogs him, so I don't, as I assume most of the people who are kind enough to read my blog come from Eschaton, but Foser is truly, truly worth reading.
The MSM is getting ready to fuck Hillary Clinton like she's never been fucked before. She's going to get the Al Gore Treatment multipled by the X chromosome factor.
Some of us are going to be pissed off by it.
I am.
I'm not the world's biggest Hillary Clinton fan (as far as I'm concerned, Bill Clinton was the best Republican president of my lifetime, and I think Hillary is quite politically similar), but nobody but nobody deserves the kind of rat-fucking she's going to get ifwhen it looks at all certain that she might be a viable Presidential candidate. I don't particularly have any grudge against her, though, on the other hand. I think she'd probably be a great President.
ReplyDeleteHave I mentioned before that I think one of the ways of improving the US government (not that I live there, or nuffin', so grains of salt as necessary) would be to make your head of state and head of government two different people, to kind of take the rockstar glitz off the Presidential office?
If that's too serious for you (shameless blogwhore), go over to my digs and check out my strategy for dealing with creeps who tell you to "Get a job!"