Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Go Freeway

The Boston Globe has an article on freeway blogging that highlights The Freeway Blogger's fantastic work. The Globe reports that "Highway blogging is a 'growing movement, reflecting people's frustration and their feeling that they're unable to speak out in any way,' [a freeway blogger] said. 'And I love low-tech solutions to things. This is essentially the opposite of what we're expected to do culturally, which is to pay for advertising space.'

Bloggers acknowledge they have no way to assess whether their messages change minds. And they concede most motorists probably pay the same heed to protest signs that they do to speed limits.

'If nothing else,' [a freeway blogger] said, it is energizing to act against the war in Iraq. Highway blogging is 'kind of a tonic for the troops on my side,' he said."

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