Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lewis Black - Gay Banditos

Lewis Black is my boyfriend. Lewis Black is going to marry me, just as soon as he meets me and finds out how much I adore him. I am going to have Lewis Black's love children; I swear I am, and no minor inconvenience like menopause will stop me.

Thanks to Jennifer, at Eschaton, for the tip.


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Thanks for that clip. Lewis Black really is a national treasure, isn't he? He ought to be mandatory viewing for Congress.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    hey stop horning in my man crush!

    oh well, that leaves me with ken watanabe.

    don't ask, it's complicated...

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Get in line. Actually, Jon Stewart is my secret boyfriend, and if he and his wife ever break up, my spouse is in serious trouble. And of course, after the White House Correspondents Dinner, I offered to have Stephen Colbert's children if he wants....
