Friday, July 21, 2006

Operation Rescue Me From Them

Here's more info on the Koran burning by Operation Rescue in Mississippi. Ironically, the group says that they burned the Koran "because it condones violence." I'm not going to go dig up the hundred or so examples of violence that the Bible condones -- God sure did order those Israelites to kill a lot of people and take their land, though -- but I find it pretty damn ironic that Operation Rescue is worried about violence.

Tallk to Action's article also documents the activities of "Frank Pavone of Priests for Life and his traveling fetus": A memorial service for an aborted fetus concluded today without the planned burial in Smith Park. Father Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life, said the fetus, which is being preserved in a formaldehyde-like solution, will be buried in Alabama in a few months. Pavone said the fetus was aborted at about 18 weeks. It has been used in demonstrations in New York and Columbus, Ohio, he said, and will be in several more before being buried.
The Rev. Flip Benham, the leader of Operation Save America, bristled at those who might question showing a fetus to children. "This does not traumatize our children," Benham said. "This traumatizes the adults who would hide the horrors of abortion."
You've got to click the link and see the pictures of grown women weeping over the casket. Really.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? It's like that nightmare where you're stuck in a building or on a ship with people who are stark-raving mad but you're the only one who's sane so they think you're crazy. Get me out of here.


  1. Bangs his head on Watertiger's desk!

  2. Pavone's probably lying about the age/provenance of that fetus, since they usually do... They like to try to associate abortion with something that looks kind of like a baby, when most abortions look like menstrual periods.
