Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Renewable Energy Is Good For Our Economy -- Get Thee To A Science Degree, Young Person

Today's EEI newsletter reports that:

Investment Funds Flowing Into Renewables Beyond Wind, Solar

Investment firms are expanding their interest in renewables beyond wind and solar to include biomass and biotechnology companies, Greenwire reported. Mark Townsend Cox of the New Energy Fund said, for example, that solar is now "mainstream," with the majority of solar companies profitable and a potential for explosive future growth in the sector.

Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson said firms are turning their attention to gene mapping and bioengineering efforts, and he cited the example of Greenfuel Technologies, which is using engineered algae to consume GHG emissions from plants. Greenfuel's Cary Bullock, a former executive at U.S Windpower, said his firm is seeking to speed up algae growth and make it commercially viable.

Bullock said: "The model we're using for Greenfuel is a lot like what we had for U.S. Windpower. We knew we had to get the cost down to 5 cents per kilowatt-hour and be able to produce 100 MW."
Greenwire, July 25.

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