BBC has an interesting set of quotes from various climate scientists concerning James Lovelock's new book, The Revenge of Gaia, which argues that "climate change poses a major threat to the Earth's well-being, that nuclear power is the best short-term energy option, and that the size of the human population is at the root of our environmental problems."
Susan Owens, Professor of Environment and Policy, Cambridge University says, "I don't think the global community has ever dealt with an issue on the scale of climate change. I do think it takes us into the territory of population and consumption; both issues are very difficult politically."
Chris Rapley, Director, British Antarctic Survey, explaints that Lovelock's book "does raise these issues... about how, collectively, we deal with something that is unprecedented; that is, how the aggregate behaviour of 6.5bn people needs somehow to be changed - how do you do that?"
I've said before and I'll say again, we can either deal with our overpopulation problem or we can let the planet deal with it for us.
Ah, but the *long-term* effects of nuclear power? How long can we use nuclear power without making the solution worse than that palative?
ReplyDeleteThe nuclear genie is dangerous - we ignore that at great peril.