Monday, July 31, 2006

A Scheduling Conflict, My Sweet Round Ass

EEI reports:

White House Officials to Skip Climate Change Talks in California

The White House won’t be represented this week at a round-table talk on climate change that will be attended by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and about 25 CEOs of major companies around the world, the Wall Street Journal reported today. James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, will be unable to attend because of a scheduling conflict. The meeting will focus on ways to speed up implementation of alternative energy technologies and will be attended by Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers, as well as the head of Edison International, the newspaper reported. Climate Group is organizing the event. Wrote the newspaper: "Critics say Mr. Connaughton's absence follows an 'obstructionist stance' by the White House on efforts to rein in emissions that many scientists say lead to global warming." Climate Group CEO Steve Howard was quoted by the Journal as saying: "This meeting just shows that climate change has moved to the top of the corporate agenda and the political agenda."
Wall Street Journal , July 31.

I know that I sound like a broken record, but what on Earth is wrong with the Bush junta? OK, I know. They are owned by the oil companies, but this is fucking ridiculous. You've got 25 CEOs of major companies around the world and Tony the Poodle Blair, who all realize something's got to be done about gloval warming. You've got the heads of two of America's largest electricity producers (Edison International, parent of Southern California Edison Company and Duke Energy); these people realize that there's a problem and something must be done now. The WH has a "scheduling conflict." I suppose someone needs to clear some brush or something.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    It's so unusually and unseasonably hot in CA right now, you can't expect the WH to risk it.

    from Ruth
