Monday, July 24, 2006

Snakes? Are You Fucking Kidding Me? Hey! I Hear That In 1984, They Had Fantastic Success With A Cage That Allowed Hungry Rats Access To The Face!

This month's Washingtonian Magazine reports that Thomas E. Ricks, a miliatry writer for the WaPo, has a book coming out tomorrow entitled Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq. Ricks reportedly reveals "verbatim dispatches by US Intelligence officers" such as the following:

"The gloves are coming off regarding these detaineet," who must be "broken." He requests an "interrogation technique wish list."


"Fourteen hours later, another US officer suggests 'open-handed facial slaps' and 'back-handed blows to the midsection.'"

and, the officer adds that:

"'Fear of dogs and snakes appears to be working.'"

Snakes? Snakes? WTF? Do the pictures that the members of the Senate saw include Iraquis being tortured with snakes? What in the name of Quan Yin is wrong with these people? And, note that we're talking here about U.S. officers, not one or two bad enlisted apples.

Sweet Kali on a kangaroo!

1 comment:

  1. And, note that we're talking here about U.S. officers, not one or two bad enlisted apples.

    But guess who is going to take the fall.

