Tuesday, July 11, 2006

There It Is Again. The Word "Pagan" Used As A Slur.

The Wild Hunt has a great roundup of news of interest to Pagans. I found this particularly troubling, but not for the usual reason:

Finally, we take a trip through the looking glass with conservative writer Fred Hutchison. Hutchison warns us which forces are truly responsible for the bondage and oppression of women.

"The sexual revolution is quickly unraveling the sexual respect for women that was developed in the Christian West over many centuries. As the culture becomes more pagan and more sexually unrestrained, sexual respect is evaporating and a fall in the status of women cannot be far behind. This iron law of human nature will become more clear as we consider the harem culture introduced by the Playboy philosophy."

Damn you Paganistic sexual revolution!!! Don't you realize how much freedom women enjoyed under the bulk of Christian history?

You really need to head over to The Wild Hunt and see the post with all the links.

Lately, xians have, more and more often, been branding anything they don't like as "Pagan." Well, they don't capitalize it, but then, I won't capitalize "xian," so we're even. But over the past few months, we've seen a rising crescendo of xian writers screaming about the dangers of "Paganism." Getting scared, boys? Good. You should be.

And, yeah, Fred. I've noticed how women were treated in Pagan cultures that worshipped the female as divine and how they were treated in the xian west. "Respect" -- I don't think that word means what you think it means.


  1. It works the same as that little bell in "It's a Wonderful Life."

    Every time someone says "pagan," another discerning individual shucks the Christian repression and goes to meet Mother Goddess.

    Let 'em bitch. The pendulum has reached its arc and is free-falling back in our direction.

  2. I don't think you could have put that any better *thumbs up!*
