Via Witchvox comes a surprisingly objective and accurate article about Pagans celebrating Lughnasadha from
The Central Illinoisian.
It's nice to see Pagan religious holidays being covered without the usual need to make witchcraft sound weird of spooky. Haven't heard of the author, Marleen Shepherd, before, but she did a nice job.
Oh, did I mention that I won the armwrestling contest? I did? Are you sure? Want to hear me tell you all about it again? You sure?
Well, now that you mention it, I completely stunk up the joint at our Lughnasadha Games. I threw the swimming pool noodle so far it landed at my feet. The dragon toss was even worse: said dragon landed behind me. The dragon and I finished last in both the broomstick race and the wizard roll. I was glad when said dragon went home with the cute 2-year-old in attendance.