Sunday, July 02, 2006

Welfare Queens

This is fucking disgusting. Imagine if this money had gone to help people in New Orleans who lost their homes!

Today's WaPo reports that:

By Dan Morgan, Gilbert M. Gaul and Sarah Cohen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, July 2, 2006; Page A01

EL CAMPO, Tex. -- Even though Donald R. Matthews put his sprawling new residence in the heart of rice country, he is no farmer. He is a 67-year-old asphalt contractor who wanted to build a dream house for his wife of 40 years.

Yet under a federal agriculture program approved by Congress, his 18-acre suburban lot receives about $1,300 in annual "direct payments," because years ago the land was used to grow rice.

Matthews is not alone. Nationwide, the federal government has paid at least $1.3 billion in subsidies for rice and other crops since 2000 to individuals who do no farming at all, according to an analysis of government records by The Washington Post.

Some of them collect hundreds of thousands of dollars without planting a seed. Mary Anna Hudson, 87, from the River Oaks neighborhood in Houston, has received $191,000 over the past decade. For Houston surgeon Jimmy Frank Howell, the total was $490,709.

. . .

The checks to Matthews and other landowners were intended 10 years ago as a first step toward eventually eliminating costly, decades-old farm subsidies. Instead, the payments have grown into an even larger subsidy that benefits millionaire landowners, foreign speculators and absentee landlords, as well as farmers.

Most of the money goes to real farmers who grow crops on their land, but they are under no obligation to grow the crop being subsidized. They can switch to a different crop or raise cattle or even grow a stand of timber -- and still get the government payments. The cash comes with so few restrictions that subdivision developers who buy farmland advertise that homeowners can collect farm subsidies on their new back yards.

The payments now account for nearly half of the nation's expanding agricultural subsidy system, a complex web that has little basis in fairness or efficiency. What began in the 1930s as a limited safety net for working farmers has swollen into a far-flung infrastructure of entitlements that has cost $172 billion over the past decade. In 2005 alone, when pretax farm profits were at a near-record $72 billion, the federal government handed out more than $25 billion in aid, almost 50 percent more than the amount it pays to families receiving welfare.

The Post's nine-month investigation found farm subsidy programs that have become so all-encompassing and generous that they have taken much of the risk out of farming for the increasingly wealthy individuals who dominate it.

The farm payments have also altered the landscape and culture of the Farm Belt, pushing up land prices and favoring large, wealthy operators.

The system pays farmers a subsidy to protect against low prices even when they sell their crops at higher prices. It makes "emergency disaster payments" for crops that fail even as it provides subsidized insurance to protect against those failures.

And it pays people such as Matthews for merely owning land that was once farmed. . . . (emphasis mine).


Fucking immoral. We can't fund education or research into clean fuels or national health care or rebuild New Orleans but we can pay welfare to millionaires.


  1. This is a disgrace on so many levels I really don't know where to begin.

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I thought the government reformed welfare when the Clenis was President.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I have cousins who are paid to NOT farm their land and NOT to sell the natural gas they have found, which is even more interesting. I wonder what else. I am jealous but am disgusted at their lifestyle. They butcher their own Black Angus and only take the prime cuts and throw the rest away. The certainly have never voted anything but repugnican.

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I am so sorry to be pissed off, but the reluctance of the monastery (which pays LOTS of land taxes) to exploit this bullshit is one of the reasons we got out of farming (which work I loved)!

    Remember the Bloom County strip where Opus was trying to learn how to become an American farmer & had to chew tobacco & complain about government interference & the lateness of his government subsidy check without laughing? Opus never succeeded (he kept getting the giggles), but our neighbors were good at it -- really pissed me off!
