Sunday, July 30, 2006

We're Finally On Our Own. This Summer I Hear The Drumming.

The New Zealand Herald reports that the 2006 wheat crop from Australia, " the world's second-largest wheat exporter, " is likely to be cut by "much as 28 per cent," due to the drought caused by global climate change.

Add to that depressing news the fact that "dry weather cut crop predictions in the US, the biggest exporter, by 14 per cent."

I don't know what to say. I've run out of ways to keep saying the same thing over and over. Greenhouse gasses are radically changing our weather patterns and, consequently, our ability to feed a growing population not 100 years from now, not in a few decades, not next year, BUT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

Feeding yourself and your family is going to be a much more expensive undertaking THIS WINTER.

We need national, indeed, we need international leadership on this issue YESTERDAY. We're not going to get it. We're on our own, every bit as much as the poor residents of New Orleans were on their own.

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