Monday, July 17, 2006

Why Conservatives Should Not Be Running The Goverment

I think Miniver Cheevy gets this exactly right:

Conservatives believe that government is inherently inept and screws things up, so activist government is a bad idea. So they don't do a lot of policy wonkery, because they see it as a doomed project. So they're not very good at thinking through the consequences of policies; in fact, they're often not terribly aware of this being a kind of question you might consider stopping to think about. So in a weird paradox, though conservatives are more worried about the unhappy consequences of government meddling, they're less well equipped to prevent it when they agree that some government meddling is called for.

And you may have noticed, conservatives are running things now.

1 comment:

  1. running things into the ground, you mean.

    tree-hugging Annie
