Friday, August 11, 2006

It Gets Pretty Fucking Old After A While

This shit has just got to stop. The Dispatch reports that the ACLU is suing on behalf of Foundray Loving, Olivia Shelltrack and their school-age children [who] are facing fines of up to $500 per week for living in their five-bedroom home in the [Black Jack] suburb of 6,800 because Loving is not the biological father of Shelltrack's oldest child, and the couple are not married.

"The government has no business saying two consenting adults cannot live with their own children," said Tony Rothert, legal director for the ACLU of Eastern Missouri.

Explain to me again how they're the "family values" crowd. They want to run this family out of their home, or break it up. Maybe they should just send the oldest kid off to an orphanage?

Not to mention, the Supreme Court already held this kind of bullshit against the law, oh, like, dog's years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    McCourt has previously said the ordinance was intended to prevent crowding and has nothing to do with morality.

    IOW, meant to prevent people such as immigrants from herding themselves into one house willy-nilly.

    Sounds like McCourt and friends seriously need to rethink that byelaw, because if a five-person family in a five-bedroom house is overcrowding I'm Marie of Romania.
