Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Part Of Being A Good Lawyer Is Knowing How The Opposition Thinks. And I Fancy Myself A Good Lawyer, If Passing Grade (Pace, Ms. Parker) Is Minus-B

So, I'll go on record here, and I may live to eat my words come November, but I think the Lamont campaign will be studied for a long time by people who care about how to run campaigns. Sure, in some ways, the Connecticut situation was unique. You have a blue state w/ one of the most red incumbent "Democrats" imaginable running. Still, for an unknown to come from behind the way that Lamont did -- and to do as many things right as Lamont did, from shutting up while Bill Clinton, et al. supported HoJo to the ad where HoJo morphed into Bush -- that's worth studying.

The general consensus for November is that Dems try to tar the Republicans with Bush (I'd like to know how many AOL and Google searches were run today for pictures of Republican Candidate X hugging/shaking hands with/ standing within 100 yards of Bush -- I've been running a few, myself, on George Allen!) and that Republicans try to run as "W Who?" independent types. That's easy to figure out.

What I find more intriguing is what this does to the 2008 elections, starting this winter on a tv set in your abode. If you're John McCain, what lesson do you take from Lamont's win? From his campaign?

The Republicans have set 2008 up to be a very interesting campaign, from a campaign wonk's perspective. No VP who wants to run, so no one close to the president who can reign him in (Condi. Sweetie. You didn't really think . . . . Oh, you poor deluded girl. And now the NeoCons are leaking EVERYWHERE against you. Call Gwen. She can relieve the tension. But stay out of Georgia Brown's on restaurant week. T-O-O P-U-B-L-I-C). So McCain wants his goddamn turn at bat and, heavens knows, the boy's kissed more Bushbutt than Jeff Gannon in order to get it. But if you're John Bigjowls McCain, what are you thinking today?

I'd love to hear your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post...I think Hagel for the GOP: conservative, Viet Nam vet, but has called Iraq a cluster fuck. Don't think Romney is electable, and Allen is an idjit.

    McCain, as you said, literally blows. And Condi, Bwahahahahahahaha! Ain't no Republican Party going to nominate an *unmarried* (as in *never* ;), African American woman for president.

    I think Gore. Momentum is with him. It's building slowly, but it's building.

    My two cents.
