Friday, August 04, 2006

She Was Asking For It

Someone please get this asshole off the air.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    He makes these disgusting comments because that is what he would do - he's a pervert.

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    He is fat, old, ugly and bigoted.
    He is realy asking for it.

  3. Egads! Is that Bill O'Reilly? A co-worker of mine loves to listen to his radio show. Thats a cue for me to bring my iPod to work...haha.

  4. At least Mel Gibson has to be drunk to talk like a gibbon.

    Of course, a guy who's all for bombing the shit out of Iraq is gonna be all for some poor lost soul getting brutally snuffed.

  5. My email to O'Reilly:
    So you think that a young woman out on the town on a Saturday night should be dressed up like a Mennonite?
    How about you start crusading that our culture become one where a woman can be SAFE, out BY HERSELF at night? Stop tilting at the so-called "War on Christmas", and tilt at something that can make a difference.

    Oh, and only ASSHOLES blame the victim.

  6. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Steve Gilliard's News Blog has a brilliant post on this. Rape is Not about sex it is about power and control of women.

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Does he have Tourette's? Seriously...

  8. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I see a lot generalization going on here. Of course she did stupid things, alot of them. She didn't deserve to die, but the more mistakes you make, the easier its going to be for the bad guys to capitalize on that. And even if we eliminate poverty, hunger and crime from our society, you're still going to have people who do bad things because they like to. Sometimes life is hard. A young lady out on the town unescorted should be more careful about what she drinks and what she does... looking slutty or hot, however you define it would certainly make you stand out in a bad neighborhood. So, yep, asking for trouble...
