Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Water Wars. Coming Soon To A Planet Near You.

BBC is reporting on the coming global water shortage.
The article states that: A report from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) warns that rich countries face increasing water shortages. A combination of climate change and poor resource management is leading to water shortages in even the most developed countries, it says. Interestingly, the role of overpopulation isn't even discussed. Anyone else think there might be an elephant in the room? No? Just me? OK.

Further, the report reveals that some of the world's wealthiest cities - such as Houston or Sydney - are using more water than can be replenished. . . . Meanwhile southern Europe is becoming drier as a result of climate change and further north Alpine glaciers - a significant source of water - are shrinking

"Using more water than can be replinished" is a nice way of saying: "Cruising for a bruising." Course, before they dry up and are depopulated, they'll try to take water from other people. I'm not sure why this is so difficult for people to see, acknowledge, do something about.


  1. The sacred spring at Berkeley comes from so deep in the earth that the water is warm. Yet somehow the flow fluctuates depending on rainfall. No waters will be safe from overuse. Not even those coming up from Atlantis.

  2. I live in an apartment building, one run by people who voted for Bush. There isn't a whole lot I can do in the way of water conservation. Other than not letting the water run while brushing my teeth or washing my face or ... really anything. Don't have a dishwasher, so I try to figure out ways to use less water while cleaning dishes. The washing machine in the basement in the least energy- or water-efficient kind there is, so I just never, ever wash less than a full load. That sort of thing.

    Still feel horribly helpless.

    Remember those silent movies, much-mocked, in which some young girl is tied to the railroad tracks and left there by some Snidely Whiplash-type villian, with camera cuts to the image of an on=coming freight train? Only to be 'saved' at the last minute by the handsome, and blond, hero, usually a Mountie? Can't you just see Bush or Cheney or both in the role of the villian?

    So, who's the Mountie?
