Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, he's right about one thing. The first woman president isn't going to be a witch.


Some days I wonder why I even get up out of bed. The sexism and the religious bigotry just keep on coming.


  1. Flavia Colgon made two mistakes in her "rebuttal" (such as it was): first, substituting "bitch" with "witch," when Graham clearly meant "bitch," and secondly, not openly taunting Graham over the small size of his penis.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    what's graham asserting here, that americans will never vote for a woman or that they'll never vote for a woman that isn't what cesar milan would describe as calm submissive?

    in the end, it's the same thing - any woman in either party who claws her way through all the phallocentric bullshit to the point where she is seriously considered as a presidential contender will by necessity have to be a tough customer. of course, this means they will be able to call her a 'b--witch.' and if she's a more demure type, thrust into the spotlight by a party wanting to seem open to new ideas, people will say she's not strong enough to defend the nation.
