Tuesday, September 19, 2006

$830 Million -- Next Thing You Know, You're Talking Real Money

Yet more evidence that cleaning up the environment could make a lot of people a lot of money and could provide a lot of people with a lot of jobs. EEI reports that:

U.K. Firm Raises $830 Million for Efforts to Cut GHG Emissions

Climate Change Capital of the U.K. announced that it has raised $830 million for its investment fund to reduce GHG emissions worldwide, the London Times reported. The fund invests in the installation of technology to cut emissions and monitors the resulting reductions.

Fund founder James Cameron said he created Climate Change Capital after the Kyoto Protocol was signed and he saw no investment firm involved in emissions reduction. Cameron responded to criticism that his fund merely shifts the reductions from Europe to foreign countries where reductions are less expensive. Cameron was quoted by the Times as saying: "We have one atmosphere. It is very thin and delicate and it doesn't matter where you take out the tonnes of carbon, but it does matter when."
London Times , Sept. 16.

Mr. Cameron is right -- it does matter when. Yesterday would be good.

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