Wednesday, September 06, 2006

G. Felix Allen, Jr. -- Owned By Hollywood And A Symbol Of Hollywood Values

G. Felix Allen, Jr., bully, racist, chickenhawk, and hypocrite.

G. Felix has made a habit of criticizing his opponent, decorated war veteran Jim Webb, for raising money from Hollywood. When caught on tape using racial slurs, G. Felix tried to say that he only meant to point out that Jim Webb was in Hollywood for a fundraiser, rather than in Southern Virginia, campaigning. Today's WaPo reports that, in fact, G. Felix is a leading recipient of entertainment-related campaign contributions to members of Congress, a nonpartisan analysis released yesterday shows, even as the senator has been criticizing his Democratic opponent's ties to Hollywood. . . . The Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit research group, said that Allen ranks 16th among members of Congress in campaign contributions received from the entertainment industry during the past two years. Allen has accepted $93,350 since 2004; Webb, $20,650, according to the center. . . . "There is plenty of data to support that . . . George Allen gets far more money from the entertainment industry than either Jim Webb or nearly anyone who represents the Hollywood area in Congress," said Massie Ritsch, a spokesman for the center, which is in Northwest Washington.

I guess it's not surprising. G. Felix Allen, Jr. really does expemplify the values of Hollywood: make-believe, form-over-substance, hype-over-reality. He's a California surfer dude who spent the Viet Nam war hiding out on a dude ranch and now pretends to be a cowboy-boot-wearing Virginian.

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