Friday, September 22, 2006

I've Really Had It With The Whole Abrahamic Cult

I agree with everything that Jason from the Wild Hunt says about Ratzi the Nazi's hatred of all things Pagan, except for Jason's suggestion that the clash between two scions of the Abrahamic cult may be good for Pagans.

Jason, in fact, does seem to realize that, as the saying goes, when elephants fight the grasses get trampled. He concludes that: With a possible war in Iran looming and rhetoric about WWIII being thrown around things could get quite bad before they get any better. We may just see a further "hardening" of Christian attitudes towards anyone who isn't supporting the Christian cause. In the coming years modern Pagans and Heathens may need more than ever to look to the health and safety of our communities lest we get swept up in a new inter-religious conflict.

And, as for xians getting their panties in a wad over Pagan cults practicing near the site of xian saints' graves, I'll simply note, for the record, that the xians stole our holy sites and built their churches right on them (where they re-enact human sacrifice), stole our sacred wells, cut down our sacred groves, appropriated our goddesses and turned them into their saints, and stole Eostara, Beltane, Yule, and Samhein, for starters. So they can shut the fuck up. Now.

1 comment:

  1. Super ! Ton blog est vraiment génial !
    Merci d’exister !!!
    voyance par mail
