Wednesday, September 27, 2006

She's Not Going To Allow Swiftboating.

Today's NYT reports that Hillary Clinton's remarks concerning the failure of the Bush junta to take any actions to capture bin Laden until after September 11, 20001:

were unusually personal in tone. But Howard Wolfson, one of her chief advisers, made it clear that Senator Clinton would be taking an increasingly aggressive posture to thwart any Republican attempts to cast Democrats as timid on national defense this election season.

“She is not going to allow her party, her husband or herself to get Swift-boated,” he said, referring to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that attacked the Vietnam War record of Senator John Kerry when he was the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2004. “Democrats have to stand up and go toe to toe with Republicans on national security.”

Senator Clinton made her comments at a news conference on the Hill, where Democrats argued that President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq and its aftermath had actually made America more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

“Their policies are failing, our military is breaking and the American people are demanding a change,” she said. “The administration has lost focus on winning the war on Iraq, and all Washington Republicans can focus on is winning elections here at home.”

NYT also notes that:

In her remarks, Senator Clinton also suggested that Bill Clinton’s animated defense of his own national security record as president, delivered only a few days earlier, provided a powerful example for Democrats, whom Republicans have sought to portray in recent national elections as too weak to lead the country in such perilous times.

If Hil's going to start hitting back and hitting back hard, if she and Bill have figured out that playing nice doesn't work with the vast right-wing conspiracy that's taken over our country, I'm all for it. Give 'em Hell, Hil.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    More Murkans would rather smoke a spleef with Clinton than have a beer with Bush?

    Hillary finally exhaled!
