Saturday, September 16, 2006

Well, Gee, Turns Out That It's Not Me That They Hate, But You. Now, STFU.

Just a few days ago, Pope Ratzi the Nazi was lecturing all of us secular Westerners who believe inthe separation of church and state, blaming us for making the Moslem world hate the West, basically pinning the blame, as did Pat Robertson at the time, for 9/11 on feminists, gays, and Wiccans.

My, my, my what a difference a few days can make. Turns out that the Nazi Pope was wrong. It isn't "a form of rationality that totally excludes God from man'’s vision," that makes the Moslems hate us. Nor, as it turns out to they "see the real threat to their identify in the contempt for God and the cynicism that considers mockery of the sacred to be an exercise of freedom and that holds up utility as the supreme moral criterion for the future of scientific research." No. Strangely enough, what pisses off the Moslem world is being ridiculed,mischaracterized, and insulted by, well, Pope Ratzi the Nazi himself. Who'd have thunk?

As the WaPo reports, Mr. I'll-Tell-You-Secular-Heathens-And-Other-Deziens-Of-The-Twenty-First-Century-How-To-Behave, gave a speech in Germany (good choice, Ratzi, Germany. WTF were you thinking?) in which he referred to criticism of the Prophet Mohammad by 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus, who said everything Mohammad "brought" was evil "such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Using the terms "jihad" and "holy war," the Pope said violence was "incompatible with the nature of God."
And those touchy Moslems, you know, the ones who were supposed to be on the PopenFuhrer's side, seemed to "take it the wrong way."

The NYT opined that there is more than enough religious anger in the world. So it is particularly disturbing that Pope Benedict XVI has insulted Muslims, quoting a 14th-century description of Islam as "“evil and inhuman."

In the most provocative part of a speech this week on "“faith and reason," the pontiff recounted a conversation between an "erudite"” Byzantine Christian emperor and a "learned" Muslim Persian circa 1391. The pope quoted the emperor saying, "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."”
The NYT went on to note that this is not the first time the pope has fomented discord between Christians and Muslims.

In 2004 when he was still the Vatican's top theologian, he spoke out against Turkey'’s joining the European Union, because Turkey, as a Muslim country was "in permanent contrast to Europe."

Surprisingly enough, the Moslems, rather than joining the Nazi Pope in denouncing feminists, gays, Wiccans, and scientists, reacted rather poorly to the Holy Father's (get it?) "teaching." WaPo says that: Pakistan's parliament adopted a resolution Friday condemning the pope for what it called derogatory comments and seeking an apology. The Foreign Ministry summoned the Vatican's ambassador to express regret over Benedict's remarks.

In Turkey, where Benedict planned to visit in November in his first trip as pope to a Muslim country, the deputy leader of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Islamic-inspired party called Benedict's remarks the result of ignorance or a provocation.

"He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle Ages. He is a poor thing that has not benefited from the spirit of reform in the Christian world," Salih Kapusuz told state media. "It looks like an effort to revive the mentality of the Crusades."

Even the country's secularist opposition party demanded the pope apologize before his visit to Turkey, which has long been one of the least ostensibly religious of Muslim countries.

Morocco's King Mohammed, that wacky Moslem, went so far as to recall his ambassador to the Vatican in protest. [One wonders, when will George Bush, president of a country with thousands of Moslem citizens, do the same?]

"Ali Achour is recalled for consultations as from Sunday following offensive remarks by Pope Benedict about Islam and Muslims," the official MAP news agency quoted a foreign ministry statement as saying.
Gee, and they were supposed to be so busy hating on "pagans," weren't they? What the hell happened?

What's particularly amazing is that a Catholic pope would ever, ever, ever dare to criticize another religion -- any other religion -- for spreading itself though the use of violence. Excuse the fuck me? The Catholic church, which burned at the least tens of thousands of women suspected of being witches? The Catholic church, which conducted crusades against Moslems for daring to, you know, be Moslems? The Catholic Church that killed Native Americans on both continents for daring to, you know, not be Catholics? The Catholic Church that fomented wars for hundreds of years all over Europe against people for daring to, you know, be Protestants? The Catholic Church that visibly and undeniably supported George Bush, insane xian warmonger, over John Kerry, mass-going Catholic? That Catholic church? The pope of that church imagines that he can go around ragging on other religions for using violence?


Of course, this was calculated. It comes on the heels of Bush's week of giving warmongering speeches to a nation made maudlin by the anniversary of September 11th in which he declared a great "religious reawakening" and a "war of civilizations" between the West and Moslems. Ratzi the Nazi continues to do everything that he can to bless Bush's immoral wars and to line Catholics up behind Bush.

What's so incredibly ironic is to watch two branches ofmonotheisticmic montheistic cult duking it out with each other. Well, it would be funny, if the rest of us weren't standing in the middle of the brawl.

Well, Ratzi the Nazi, here's some advice from an evil Wiccan feminist who believes -- from the soles of her feet to the tips of her blonde hair -- in the separation of church and state: Shut the fuck up. Don't come around here telling me that Moslems attacked the West because of me. You're the one that they hate; you're the one that pissed them off; you're the one that they are demanding apologize in person. And the next time that you decide to use the attacks of September 11th to gain political advantages over the people like me that you hate with your very being regardless of what the Moslem world does or doesn't think about me, shut the fuck up. You're in no position to be lecturing me about how to appease a bunch of monotheists.

You assmunch.


  1. Whoa!

    I do believe you emptied the entire house of furniture with that screed!



  2. Oh Baby! Oh Baby!

    Love It Hecate!

    100% with ya woman!

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I'm a feminist and Wiccan too, and never thought it's possible to dislike the Church even more than I do, but calling someone a Nazi is simply bad manners. Also, the witch trials and religious wars were hundreds of years before Benedict's birth, so they can hardly be his fault. Institutions, even churches do change over time, even if slowly. The Catholic church wouldn't commit all those mass murders today.

  4. Well, this is completely unrelated with Pope Frankenstein but as a fellow goddess-worshipper, please let me introduce this website:

