Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where Blacks Knew Their Place

Salon has new evidence that G. Felix Allen, Jr. is an evil racist. Especially telling is the fact that Allen's campaign hung up on people calling to ask questions about his repeated use of the highly-offensive term "Nigger" to describe African Americans and his statement that he chose to play football at the University of Virginia because: he wanted to play football in a place where 'blacks knew their place,'" said Dr. Ken Shelton, a white radiologist in North Carolina who played tight end for the University of Virginia football team when Allen was quarterback. "He used the N-word on a regular basis back then." You'd think he'd be in a hurry to call Dr. Shelton a liar if, in fact, Dr. Shelton were lying.

Maybe unlike "Macca," which Allen obviously learned from his anti-American French mother, even Allen didn't think he could convince anyone that he just made up the word "Nigger."

Look, Virginia Republicans. Webb is a Republican. He only switched parties so he could run. You could at least vote for a Republican who isn't a racist fuck. I'm just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    He's not racist. Bill Frist saw a videotape of him and confirmed it.
