Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's Official --Democrats Are Better Looking

WaPo finally gets around to noticing something we've all known for some time: Democrats are sexier, more fit, better looking, and smell better than Republicans.

AUBURN, N.Y. -- Maybe Democratic candidate Michael Arcuri is running strong in this Republican House district because he pledges to expand health coverage, balance the budget and raise the minimum wage.

Or maybe it's his piercing Italian eyes and runner's physique.

"He is pretty good-looking," observed Paula Ferrin with admiration, as the 47-year-old district attorney worked the crowd at a local senior center.

"What we want is brains, honey," scolded her friend Rose Oliver.

"True," Ferrin answered, "but handsome doesn't hurt."

The research is unambiguous that Ferrin is right: Attractive politicians have an edge over not-so-attractive ones. The phenomenon is resonating especially this year. By a combination of luck and design, Democrats seem to be fielding an uncommonly high number of uncommonly good-looking candidates.

Beauty may be only skin-deep, but ugly, see, e.g., Jean Schmidt, Dick Cheney, Dennis Hastert, and George Bush, goes all the way to the bone.


  1. I think the WaPo article is (typically) retarded. That said, this is why I've always said that Bill Frist would never be president. The man is genuinely ugly (independent of his demented mind). His eyes are too close together, beady, and deep-set. He has Republican helmet-hair. No upper lip and a weird chin. Face it: the guy is freaky (and ugly) looking. Never ever a threat to be president.

  2. It doesn't take much to beat a field of raisin-eyed, corpulent, pasty suet balls whose necks bulge over their ties, does it?

  3. Arcuri is in my district, and he's fabulous. And, you know, cute. I see his pic dozens of times daily: his yard signs are about 4'x6'and in color and all that. This is one seat that's going to turn: I don't even know the challenger's name. Meier, maybe? Anyway, he has no street presence at all. Same with all the Republicans, pretty much.

    It's gonna be a good year.

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