Undermining the Patriarchy Every Chance I Get -- And I Get a Lot of Chances Please find me at my new blog: hecatedemeter.wordpress.com
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ovaries! Some's Got 'Em And Some Ain't
While Harry Reid sits in his office not listening to Bush and apparently unable to exert ANY discipline over the Democrats, ineffective and doddering, and John Kerry issues infrequent and ineffective letters in an attempt not to become completely forgotten between now and 2008, Nancy Pelosi continues to demonstrate that she's one of the few Democrats on Capitol Hill with any ovaries at all. She also appears to recognize a gift when the gods give her one and to be able to do something with it. She was on the floor Friday afternoon, while everyone else was packing up their offices for the recess, demanding an investigation of Foley's Follies and insisting that the votes be recorded.
Now, Roll Call is reporting that she's calling for Republican leaders to be forced to testify. No, not stand up and proclaim Jebuz K. Riest as their lord and savior. Stand up, raise their right hand (subtle sexism in that requirement, but we'll leave that for another day), swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and answer questions. Since Hastert, et al. wouldn't know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth if someone kerned it onto their backsides, that would be a fascinating episode and would likely lead to perjury charges (if not the delicious spectacle of watching, say, Hastert and, hell, let's bring him back, DeLay invoke the Fifth Amendment). I guess the reason they haven't repealed the right against self-incrimination, as opposed to, say, habeas corpus, is that they knew they were going to need it.
Pelosi did a good job there, never even smirked.
ReplyDeleteAnd the notion of bringing DeLay back - how I wish. Lots of bodies still to turn up there.
from Ruth
and hollyhock seeds are in pots, sprouting.