Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pride In The Old Ways

Kudos to the Baltimore Sun for a completely respectful and informative article about Pagan Pride Day in Baltimore. I was honored to join with some of these Baltimore Pagans, as well as many DC Pagans, at a Pagan ecumenical ritual earlier today (our coven was the good looking one!).

Sherry Martz and Eldridch did a nice job of leading the ritual, and Angela did, as she always does, a fantastic job of organizing the call to deity. (My coven did, as we always do, a great job of looking amazing.) I don't know the names of the drummers, but they were very, very good.

Lots of Pagans -- I'd be willing to hazard a guess that at least half of all Pagans -- practice by themselves, as what we refer to as Solitaries. It's wonderful to come out of the broom closet and spend an afternoon with all kinds of Druids, Witches, Asartru, and various other Pagans.

We chanted:

Take the gift of life and breath.
Take the gift of blood and bone.
Weave the magic, step by step.
Build the vision, stone by stone.

Check out Witchvox to see what Pagan Pride activities are being held in your area.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sorry I didn't respond with links to the Foley/Allen story last night - I had to go to bed!

    Working for Webb and Shawn O'Donnell down here on the Peninsula - thanks for keeping up my spirits!

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    yours may have been the good looking coven, but i bet the baltimore pagans had bigger hair.

    this is Olaf, by the way. blogger forgot my identity and i forgot my password

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Is that a Sulamith Wulfing illustration? I love it! I didn't make it to the Houston PPD, had too much going on Saturday and an early Sunday headed to the TX Ren Fest. I hope it went well, though.
    Elspeth R
    (who also cannot recall her blogger p'word...bother!)
