Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Qui Bono?

There's been quite a bit of speculation over who may have turned over sexually explicit e-mails and instant messages to ABC's Brian Ross. The mentally-retarted intellectual midgets in the Republican Party and on Fox "News" say that it must have been the Democrats, trying to embarass the Republicans by leaking this information shortly before the November elections. Of course, that makes no sense. Had Hastert, Boehner, et al. done any investigation of this matter when first informed of it A YEAR AGO, and taken responsible steps to address the problem, it would be old news by now.

However, our crack reporters have done a bit of snooping and have discovered Ross' source. They actually didn't have to look too far. They simply asked themselves: QUI BONO? Who had the most to gain by putting Foley's Follies and Hastert's cover up on the front page? Once they asked themselves that one, simple question, the answer was obvious

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaugh! Link not safe!

    (But it certainly took the spotlight off him, didn't it?)
