Wednesday, October 18, 2006

There You Go Again

Unlike the Merkins in Kkkkarl Rove's world, I don't have amnesia. Nor, does my brilliant friend Elizabeth, football fan and Eagles blogger extraordinaire. So when Elizabeth called to tell me that all of a sudden the Bush junta is releasing information with absolutely no credible purpose other than to scare the bejebuz out of Americans, now, just before an election, where Diebold is Bush's obi Wan (as in, "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope."), we both agreed:

This is the Summer of 2004 redux.

Remember how every other fucking week Tom Buttface Ridge would parade out in front of the cameras (and if he didn't do it fast enough, John NoBreasts Ashcroft would knock him down racing to the microphone) to announce one bullshit "threat" or another? Terrorists are going to blow up your Memorial Day picnic! Terrorists are going to float explosives inside beer coolers in the hope that you'll fish them out of the drink looking for beer and then BLAMO! your fishing boat's a gonner! Terrorist are going to put poison in swimming pools! Terrorists are going to slip microscopic bombs inside baseballs and then when the batter hits a triple, POW! no more American pastime! Terrorists gonna getcha, getcha, getcha. Then, immediately after the Bush junta stole the 2004 election, the terrorists miraculously laid off, the threat level dropped from orange to yellow, Ridge and Ashcroft blessedly disappeared from the evening news, and Ridge eventually admitted he had no idea why he was always being sent out to issue terror warnings.

Ridge may not have known, but everyone else did. Rove had studies showing that warnings of terrorist attacks bumped up Bush's numbers and Rove had to keep the election close enough to steal.

This is easy for me to say because I'm not a football fan, but every redblooded American ought to stay away from footballs stadia this weekend. The one thing the Bush junta can't stand up to is pressure from their corporate masters. In a few days when the up the stakes and issue vague warnings about, oh, I don't know, airplanes, Halloween candy, shopping malls -- take your pick -- Americans should boycott those as well.

Fuck this fucking shit.


  1. joe and janet murka--if they remember 2004 at all--very likely 'remember' how all those terrible terror threats went away after the busheviks were safely 'elected'...

  2. They had some trouble at the Iggles stadium when Dallas was in town, and it had nothing to do with terrorists. It appears that the exit ramps are unsafe due to poor construction. If they crumble, watch terrorists get the blame.
