Sunday, October 29, 2006

Things That Make Me Smile

Via Witchvox, here's another of a series of articles in small-town (this time, Ashville, North Carolina) papers that do a pretty decent and respectful job of reporting on Pagans. I'm fascinated by the fact that papers in the middle of the Bible Belt are able to do such nice jobs, while the WaPo and NYT, for example, almost always muff reporting about Pagans -- when they bother to cover them at all.

Interestingly, the Pagan group discussed in the article apparently meets every year at a xian center: [the] Unity Center for Christianity on Fanning Bridge Road in Fletcher. North Carolina has always seemed to me, on an anecdotal basis, to have a large Pagan community, so maybe the xians have grown to accept them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 AM

    They may be nice because so many of their families practices were/are very similar. You can read collections of tales and descriptions of daily life in the bible belt in gov't sponsered reports from the 1930s.

    I remember reading the Mothman book which hints around that the omnious events were fairy, not UFO activity. And thinking those people in a country town with Scotch Irish last names would know all that aspect. And would be talking about it.

    Apparently the fact that they were church going fundamentalist type christians was supposed to preclude them, in the readers mind, from any other kind of understanding. It doesn't at all.
