Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bush's Idea Of Being Bipartisan.

The Mad Melancholic Feminista exlains in detail exactly what's wrong with Bush's latest anti-choice appointment.

Oxytocin my sweet ass.

And, remember, this is who he appointed in the face of South Dakota's rejection of abortion criminallization.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    this is about rush limpdicks brother?

    cute pig.

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    everytime you have sex, you deplete your "finite" store of oxytocin, so that that you will impair your ability to create bonds with your future husband. Keroack also argues that oxytocin is responsible for a powerful bond between mother and fetus.

    nevermind, it's very hard to keep up in crazy baseland.
