Monday, November 13, 2006

Children! Millions And Millions Of Children!

Every feminist in America needs to go read Echidne's post on (ugh!) Quiverfull families. First, however, every feminist in America needs to have a good, stiff drink. I'm just saying.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Lots of interesting debate about what happens to the kids of fundamentalists. I'm living proof that not only can fundies not guarantee that their kids will follow them, raising an intelligent person of either gender (but most particularly female) fundamentalist is pretty much a lock to turn her liberal. You can only get so far as a person inclined to question things without realizing that very little of what's being fed to you makes any damn sense at all.

  2. Okay, folks. Let's breed lots and lots of fundies. Because fundies are the only true believers of the only true religion and as such should control government on earth through their superior moral values.

    Okay, folks. Let's breed lots and lots of blonde Aryans. Because Aryans are the Master Race and should control government on earth through their superior intelligence and values.

    So the message is tweaked a little. Still sounds the same to me. Sig Heil!
