Monday, December 18, 2006

The Aristocrats

Damn, Digby is good.

We allowed them to impeach the duly elected president who beat the father, for trivial reasons. We allowed the father's appointees to settle a dubious election result in the son's favor. We have watched them as they created a presidency insulated from popular or congressional oversight in which they have gone so far as to set forth the idea that the president has no obligation to follow the law. They lowered taxes on the very rich to a level not seen in many decades and created an income disparity between the very, very rich and everyone else that is unprecedented in the modern era. They eliminated the single best means of ensuring that an aristocracy will not truly form --- the estate inheritance tax. The ten year campaign to repeal it was bankrolled by 18 of the richest families in America.


  1. Looking at this picture, I realize that my loathing of George W. Bush spans decades and fashion trends.

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    best means of ensuring that an aristocracy will not truly form is the estate inheritance tax?
