Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fundies: Go Bitch To Falwell

Here's the follow up to several of the posts below concerning Pagans in Albermarle, Virginia who decided to hoist Jerry Falwell on his own petard.

My madcap friend, R., reports that there was a very nice turnout for the event. The first part of the day was educational, with presentations concerning a number of late-December holidays, including Kwanza, Channauka, and Yule. More people attended this event than attended the afternoon event, which was a children's celebration of Yule. It's likely that some of the people at the morning program were fundies, looking for something to complain about to the Board of Education. However, they behaved themselves and then vamoosed before the Yule celebration. The kids who stayed for the Yule celebration had a great time, especially helping the Fairy Guide turn the wheel of the year. Their parents were delighted that their kids had a chance to meet with/hang with some other Pagan kids and R. came away convinced that Pagans need to do more for our young people.

It's likely that the Board of Education will be re-examining their policy of sending home religious flyers with school children (which was always the intent), but the fundies are apparently split between those who are so determined to use the schools to prostyletize that they'll put up with a few Pagan flyers and those who now realize that there might be something to this separation of church and state business.
Go, R.!


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Thanks for the report on what actually took place Hecate. I just found some more good online discussion of this issue here. It might be worth adding your two cents worth there too.

  2. I am glad it went well and some good will to the Pagan community was earned.

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Thanks for the update. I think that if pagans could do more with children, we could foster greater acceptance and positive interest in our community. Of course, I am not advocating proselytizing in schools -- I'd just like to see more pagan activities aimed at children.
